Pricing Structure

Please find below our pricing structure from 1st January 2023.

The prices below are for casual hirers only.  For prices for Corporate hires and regular hires please contact the hall administrator.

On the booking forms, hirers must include the times they need the Hall from and to, a start and finish time, this should include setting up time and clearing away time, not just the time needed to host the event.

Hourly Rate including Kitchen if required

Capacity figures stated are the maximum numbers allowed

Prices for casual hirers 

Area Price per Hour  Capacity
Main Hall including kitchen

£17 before 5pm weekdays

£18 after 5pm weekdays and weekends

Upto 250 people seated in rows

Upto 150 people when seated at tables

Lounge including kitchen

£14 before 5pm weekdays

£14.50 after 5pm weekdays and weekends

Upto 50 people seated in rows

Upto 36 people when seated at tables


Meeting Room

£10 before 5pm on weekdays

£10.50 after 5pm weekdays and weekends

A maximum number of 10 people


Whole hall

(all three rooms including kitchen)

£40 before 5pm on weekdays

£45 after 5pm weekdays and weekends


Adhoc hirer form and t’c and c’s